Figuring out Eleventy (part 2)
Still not easy, but working!

First Painful Deploy

Installing Eleventy locally on my development machine made it super easy to iteratively build and test, especially thanks to Eleventy's continuous serve & reload mode. Having gotten a basic site built leveraging lessons highlighted in part 1 of this series, I was ready to try deploying to Netlify.

That turned out to be easier said than done, even though I'd read through Netlify "getting started" documentation and already managed deploys as part of experimenting with Hylia. I optimistically took my working local Eleventy code, created a new repo on github, and added that repo to my Netlify dashboard. Having used eleventy as my build and deploy command locally I specified that as my build command in the Netlify dashboard along with _site as my deploy directory. Seemed straightforward.

Build failed.

Well, that's odd. Looking at the build log I could see Netlify couldn't find the command eleventy, but I didn't know how to tell it where to look. Studying other example sites I noticed they used a local netlify.toml for Netlify configuration so I tried that. Build failed. Searching for other build commands in other repos led me to try a number of other possibilities. Build failed, every time. I logged an issue on the Netlify discusssion forms and got a couple of helpful comments from folks sharing their configuration info, but they were largely doing what I was already doing. What, I wondered, could possibly be wrong?

In comparing across the various working example repos I noticed they all had a package.json file and I didn't. Could that be the problem? Further exploration led me to a bit of Eleventy documentation I'd missed before. Following those instructions created a package.json that also (importantly) included a reference to Eleventy as a dev dependency. I added it to my repo and happily that did the trick. Build succeeded!

In all this, I wonder why I hadn't seen package.json mentioned in Netlify's documentation anywhere, nor had I seen Eleventy mentioned among their examples of build environments. Ah well.

Back to Site Development!

Having finally conquered the build and deploy process through Netlify, I went back to enhancing my site. Further experimentation led to new insights:

What's Next?

There's lots more to come, though, like adding a page footer (for apps pages, mostly), seeing if I like drop-down menus for the main nav bar, getting a better handle on formatting dates, and brining more Indieweb features into the mix.
