RSVP - IndieWebCamp East 2020Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 at 4:28 PM (UTC-7) I'll be there! Looking forward to (attempting) to attend the upcoming IndieWebCamp East 2020 on the weekend of November 14-15, 2020. I say "attempting" as while the event is on-line rather than in person and so I can attend from the comfort of my easy chair, it'll be happening on US Eastern Standard Time and I'm three hours earlier than that. Still, the event takes place over a weekend and the agenda is nicely flexible about remote particiation. Having attended several IndieWebCamps and IndieWeb Summits, I know what a marvelous opportunity the two days will be in getting web and technology experts together to help me learn about what's new in the IndieWeb and make major progress on something I'm trying to accomplish here on my own personal web site. All the details are here, and the all-important schedule grid has info on what's happening, who's presenting, and when. Hope to see you there! #rsvp #indieweb